PC Tutorial for Liquidity Migration on CoinSwap.com

1.Connect to Metamask wallet

Download link: https://metamask.io/

2. Metamask Settings

Log in to the wallet, click on “Setting” to select “custom RPC”, and enter the BSC configuration information below.

Caduceus Chain

Network name: Caduceus Mainnet

New RPC URL: https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/developer/rpc.html

Chain ID: 256256

Symbol: CMP

Blockchain browsers: https://mainnet.scan.caduceus.foundation/

4. Click “Pool” at the top and select “Migrate Liquidity”.

5. Migrate Liquidity

Select the “From” and “Select LP Token”, enter the number and click “Migrate Liquidity” to complete the migration.

6. You can view the liquidity you have added in “My Liquidity”.

Last updated